Story Protocol
System Requirements
Hardware | Requirement |
CPU | 4 Cores |
RAM | 16 GB |
Disk | 500 GB |
Bandwith | 25 MB/s |
Node Installation
Install Dependencies
sudo apt updatesudo apt-get updatesudo apt install curl git make jq build-essential gcc unzip wget lz4 aria2 -y
Download Story-Geth Binary
cd $HOMEwget[ ! -d "$HOME/go/bin" ] && mkdir -p $HOME/go/binif ! grep -q "$HOME/go/bin" $HOME/.bash_profile; then echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:~/go/bin" >> ~/.bash_profilefichmod +x geth-linux-amd64mv $HOME/geth-linux-amd64 $HOME/go/bin/story-gethsource $HOME/.bash_profilestory-geth version
Download Story Binary
cd $HOMErm -rf story-linux-amd64wget[ ! -d "$HOME/go/bin" ] && mkdir -p $HOME/go/binif ! grep -q "$HOME/go/bin" $HOME/.bash_profile; then echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:~/go/bin" >> ~/.bash_profilefichmod +x story-linux-amd64sudo cp $HOME/story-linux-amd64 $HOME/go/bin/storysource $HOME/.bash_profilestory version
Init Odyssey Node
story init --network odyssey --moniker "Your_moniker_name"
Create story-geth service file
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/story-geth.service > /dev/null <<EOF[Unit]Description=Story Geth
[Service]User=rootExecStart=/root/go/bin/story-geth --odyssey --syncmode fullRestart=on-failureRestartSec=3LimitNOFILE=4096
Create story service file
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/story.service > /dev/null <<EOF[Unit]Description=Story Consensus
[Service]User=rootExecStart=/root/go/bin/story runRestart=on-failureRestartSec=3LimitNOFILE=4096
Reload and start story-geth
sudo systemctl daemon-reload && \sudo systemctl start story-geth && \sudo systemctl enable story-geth && \sudo systemctl status story-geth
Reload and start story
sudo systemctl daemon-reload && \sudo systemctl start story && \sudo systemctl enable story && \sudo systemctl status story
Check sync status
curl localhost:26657/status | jq
Check block sync left
while true; do local_height=$(curl -s localhost:26657/status | jq -r '.result.sync_info.latest_block_height'); network_height=$(curl -s | jq -r '.result.sync_info.latest_block_height'); blocks_left=$((network_height - local_height)); echo -e "\033[1;38mYour node height:\033[0m \033[1;34m$local_height\033[0m | \033[1;35mNetwork height:\033[0m \033[1;36m$network_height\033[0m | \033[1;29mBlocks left:\033[0m \033[1;31m$blocks_left\033[0m"; sleep 5;done
Create Validator
Export validator public key & private key
This will print out your validator public key file in compressed and uncompressed formats. By default, we use the hex-encoded compressed key for public identification.
Compressed Public Key (hex): 03bdc7b8940babe9226d52d7fa299a1faf3d64a82f809889256c8f146958a63984Compressed Public Key (base64): A73HuJQLq+kibVLX+imaH689ZKgvgJiJJWyPFGlYpjmEUncompressed Public Key (hex): 04bdc7b8940babe9226d52d7fa299a1faf3d64a82f809889256c8f146958a6398496b9e2af0a3a1d199c3cc1d09ee899336a530c185df6b46a9735b25e79a493afEVM Address: 0x9EacBe2C3B1eb0a9FC14106d97bd3A1F89efdDCcValidator Address: storyvaloper1p470h0jtph4n5hztallp8vznq8ehylsw9vpddxDelegator Address: story1p470h0jtph4n5hztallp8vznq8ehylswtr4vxd
In addition, if you want to export the derived EVM private key of your validator into the default data config directory, please run the following:
story validator export --export-evm-key
Note that to participate in consensus, at least 1 IP must be staked (equivalent to 1000000000000000000 wei)! get yours at
Create Validator
story validator create --stake 1024000000000000000000 --private-key "your_private_key" --moniker "your_moniker_name"
Validator Staking
story validator stake \ --validator-pubkey "VALIDATOR_PUB_KEY_IN_HEX" \ --stake 1024000000000000000000 \ --private-key xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Replace VALIDATOR_PUB_KEY_IN_HEX Amount: 1024000000000000000000=1024 IP Token
Check your validator on explorer
Get your validator info
curl -s localhost:26657/status | jq -r '.result.validator_info'
Paste the hex validator addres you got to the search bar
Delete Node
sudo systemctl stop story-gethsudo systemctl stop storysudo systemctl disable story-gethsudo systemctl disable storysudo rm /etc/systemd/system/story-geth.servicesudo rm /etc/systemd/system/story.servicesudo systemctl daemon-reloadsudo rm -rf $HOME/.storysudo rm $HOME/go/bin/story-gethsudo rm $HOME/go/bin/story